SMALL INTESTINE: The meridian of joy
The small intestine meridian is an interesting meridian in that it deals with joy. Joy seems like such a basic and easy to understand emotion, and it probably is. The negative emotion, and thus the opposite emotion, is sadness. Many people don’t experience sadness in the truest sense of the emotion. This may seem odd at first glance, because sadness seems to be a common thing in life.
Sadness, as Dr. John Diamond would describe, would be ‘full of tears.’ I tend to describe sadness more as the lack of joy, but without any negative emotions associated. Just simply, the lack of joy. In some the lack of joy would feel like a fullness of tears. As soon as sadness starts having other emotions associated, like anger, contempt, disdain, etc. it stops becoming sadness and envelopes the other emotion.
Many people experience more intricate forms of sadness which typically do blend into other emotions and other emotional meridians. For example, many people are angry but yet associate this anger with sadness. The negative liver emotion of unhappiness can be harder to differentiate, but is different than sadness. Sometimes depression or hopelessness can be thought of as sadness, but again are associated with different meridians. Understanding the true definitions of emotions can really help people process how they are feeling and using Applied Kinesiology with Acupuncture Meridians is a wonderful way to help people maximize their emotional health.
Digestive disturbances, SIBO and neurotransmitter production can all be associated with an emotional small intestine meridian. When sadness becomes chronic, digestion can begin to degrade and digestive issues like constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, etc. can all present. Another side of this seems to be brain burnout. The neurotransmitters seem to be constantly burned out and not reproducing very efficiently. The gut is where around 70% of the body’s neurotransmitter production takes place, and having an emotional small intestine meridian definitely doesn’t help.
Homing thought for the lung:
I am joyful. I am full of joy.
Begin to create your homing thought, which is more than a simple mantra. A homing thought encompasses all the 5 senses versus simply being words. Begin to feel joy, experience joy, see joy, hear joy and smell joy. Doing this will start to recharge the small intestine meridian. Use your homing thought every hour of the day.
Be joyful!