Iodine Supplementation Guide

Iodine is a very interesting nutrient. This short article is written to cover the necessary nutrients needed to support iodine and the detoxing that can happen while embarking on an iodine regimen.


Celtic Sea Salt tends to be the most recommended salt for supplementing purposes. It works beautifully. When supplementing iodine, one must intake enough salt to help with the detoxing of bromine/bromides. (Note: I use bromine/bromide interchangeably, as well as iodine/iodide.) When someone takes iodine they may experience some symptoms and in more cases than not, this is due to the detoxing of bromine.

Start with the following dosing guide:

1/4-1 tsp of Celtic Sea Salt - added to water first thing in the morning. Follow this with 12-20 oz. of clean water.

This does take some time to get used to. If you are having iodine detox symptoms, you will feel better pretty quickly and begin to enjoy the salt. In some cases it is necessary to increase the salt above this dosing for periods of time as well as adjust iodine. Please consult a doctor (who is literate with iodine), or call my office, if you are interested in this or have questions about salt.

Accessory Nutrients:

The following nutrients are a must when it comes to taking iodine. They help with the detoxing of bromines as well as help thyroid function.

  • Selenium: 200-400 mcg per day

  • Vitamin C: 3,000+ mg per day

  • Magnesium: 500+ mg per day - Mag Glycinate/Mag Taurate/Mag l-Threonate

Bonus Nutrients:

The following nutrients here help the thyroid and iodine plan work smoother. The following can be used for more specific reasons.

  • Zinc - 25-100mg per day - improves skin health as related to iodine detoxing symptoms.

  • Niacin (B3): 500+ mg per day - can help with energy.

  • Methylated B Vitamins

  • Multivitamin/mineral

Other nutrients may be required for optimal health, such as Vitamin D and Omega 3s. The nutrients above are necessary for optimal thyroid function and to help the body process/detox/assimilate iodine properly.

Until next time…