The Totality of Sleep: Comprehensive Guide to Maximize with HRV (Part 1)

This article is written with the idea of someone using a sleep tracker with the focus of maximizing their sleep. A kind of human alpha equation to make sure your body is reaching its peak levels of health. Sleep can be a great tracker of your health, being that it does require hormone balance, optimal nutrition, lifestyle factors, stress management and love.

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Tracking Quality Sleep and Supplementation - WHOOP Review

WHOOP has come out with a great heart tracking monitor that measures a whole host of different things like daily strain, recovery, sleep and the different levels of sleep, and keeps track of them to allow for great weekly comparisons. I have found this to be an invaluable tool when learning what aspects of sleep hygiene and supplementation work.

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SLEEP... A new perspective that may blow your mind!

How many people truly understand and get perfect sleep? The answer is far less than who than the number getting terrible sleep. Americans aren't sleeping anymore and this article is going to take some science and practical strategies to help improve the habit of sleep…

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The Farmer's Breakfast

Breakfast has long been a staple in the American diet. Recently, intermittent fasting and other trendy diets have promoted skipping breakfast and eating only during a small window. Those diets do have some merit but are not a positive contributor to having, or maintaining, a healthy weight for the majority of the population.

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Excess body fat has never been thought of as a good thing, and now new research is showing it is probably worse than originally thought. In a new study the researchers found that excess body fat increased inflammatory cytokines (specifically Interleukin-1 beta or IL-1b) in the body and also the brain. The hippocampus was one of the most affected areas making this inflammatory situation all the more alarming... 

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Staying lean is one of the best strategies to maintain a healthy functioning brain on a number of different levels. It has been known for years that excess body fat, and the conditions associated with it like diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer, greatly impact the brain... 

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CONCUSSIONS: The Critical Piece NO ONE is Talking About.

Dr. Bennett Omalu wrote a piece in the NY Times explaining his rational for kids not playing football and other potentially traumatic contact sports until they can consent legally at the age of 18. Will Smith has the new movie ‘Concussion’ releasing this week...

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